Sunday, March 22, 2009

Insane in the membrane

So today I was walking and passed one of those people we pass oh so often.  You know, the kind that talk to themselves in a very loud voice about who knows what.  Granted, I would never make fun of these people and actually have a great deal of respect for those that can just throw their thoughts out into public for all people to hear but... must admit I would never initiate a conversation with such a person.  Today however, was a different experience as a passed this woman carrying 3 bags of something (perhaps a chopped dead cat) and a UPS tote.  I heard her announce, "I'd like to eat.  What should I eat?"  It took me aback slightly as I recalled all the times I have had this same exact conversation with myself in my kitchen, in my living room, and yes dare I say it... walking down the sidewalk.  Perhaps I am weird.  Actually let me clarify, I know I am a little unique but I have friends and as I walk down the street people don't purposely cross the street or walk in the grass to avoid me.  I worry however, is my innocent quiet conversations a prerequisite for people fearing I may sneak out a knife and stab them in the future?  Should I insist on not talking to myself in fear that I am leading myself down an ugly path of crazy??

I wonder... these people, "the sidewalk talkers," were they always that way.  When they were four did they walk through their back yards talking to themselves about how they were 'jonesin' for a push-up'?  When they were twelve did they sit on the bus by themselves talking about that 'damn gym teacher and her obsession of making me sweat'?  OR did they simply start out as a pretty awesome individual who occasionally talked to he/she self in the comfort of their own homes or in a voice so quiet as to no one may hear when they did such in public.......

Twenty years from now you may over hear a side walk talker saying, "You knew this was going to happen.  I'm hungry.  Everyone thinks you're crazy now.  Beautiful weather.  You should have just trained yourself to keep your mouth shut. What should I eat?"  Please be nice to this individual but still steer clear because you never know when she'll pull out a knife and cut your face.