Wednesday, June 2, 2010

These are a few of my least favorite things

When I get on the bus first thing in the morning, the last thing I want to do is talk to someone.  I'm confused why not everyone feels this way.  There are these people, these people who build relationoships with others on the bus so that each day then can be like, "Hey, how was your night?!" and gab about their boring evening of spaghettia and American Idol the entire way downtown.  Do you really care about what they ate last night or how many hours of television they watched, really? Granted, it's only like a 1.5 mile ride, but still... have you no courtesy for your fellow bus riders?? To you people, please stop.  Your conversations are so dry they make me gag.  Save discussing how you cooked wheat noodles as opposed to the typical white for the ride home.  Or even better yet, talk about something more interesting say... the girl fight you saw on the corner, or the man picking his nose in front of you.  Perhaps then, I would try to listen in on your converstation rather than turning the volume on my Ipod up so high, I can feel my eardrums popping.  

Other things I hate..... women who carry more than two bags with them to work.  In my opinion, even two is one too many but I guess some women find it necessary to have a messenger bag AND a purse.  But, a third bag... really.... is that necessary.  What could you possibly be carrying in that third bag that cannot touch the contents of the other two?  Perhaps, the idea of your potato salad spilling onto your shoes is gross.... but you can definatly fit that lunch pail inside one of the other bags.  I promise.  And, did I mention that these bags these women carry do not match??  They carry all these muli-colored, different patterned bags that bring to mind Joseph and his amazing coat.  They do not look good together, obviously.  I just got the greatest idea, invest in a larger bag!!  A bag that can carry everything (your lunch, shoes, books, papers, and heck... maybe even a pair of gym shorts!!)

Jessica Abel.... solving the world's problems one at a time.

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